What is the Process of Cabin Crew Safety
Most people, unless they’ve been a part of an aircraft’s cabin crew, are unaware of the hours spent in safety training that flight attendants have undergone in order to be properly prepared for an emergency. The most that the average citizen sees of these flight attendants is during boarding time and during the air safety instructionals that are given prior to flying. But behind the scenes, these flight attendants not only train for providing safety instructions, but on how to prevent injuries, predict potential threats, and handle emergency situations.
From even before you board an aircraft, the cabin crew is already at task with ensuring your safety. Their first step is to do a pre flight check, where they inspect the plane and ensure that everything is properly functioning. This includes the galley,
cabin, safety equipment, crew seat, crew rest area and lavatories.
Once everyone has sat down, it’s the responsibility of the flight attendants to show you where the exits are, go over rules and flight etiquette, and demonstrate what you should do in case of any emergencies (e.g., an emergency landing). After that, the flight attendants go about their business with distributing food and drinks via their meal cart and tending to any other needs. While you might think this is the extent of their work, they’re actually doing a lot more. The flight attendants, simultaneously tending to their other responsibilities, must be on constant vigilance of the passengers, to see if any person demonstrates any strange or suspicious behavior.
Needless to say, flight attendants and the cabin crew put in an enormous amount of effort in ensuring passenger safety. For information on aviation regulations or acquiring
aircraft parts, consult the experts at NSN Axis, the premier supplier of military, marine, and aviation parts.
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lester t. gibbs
Posted on November 27, 2019