Part Number NAS1281C3T6P with NSN 5306-01-604-9250 by ManufacturerBoeing Company - Submit a Quote

Part number NAS1281C3T6P described as Bolt Machine of Boeing Company is now available and in stock. Are you looking for a quick quote for a part number NAS1281C3T6P? Just fill out the short Request for Quote (RFQ) form to get started.The RFQ form has several asterisk-marked (*) fields like Need Parts By and Quantity (ea). Your quote will be determined mainly by your response to these fields, so it’s important that you completely fill out all fields to the best of your abilities. A sales representative will get back to you with your quote in 15 minutes or less. NSN Axis, owned and operated by ASAP Semiconductor, is proud to be a leading online distributor of Boeing Company parts and components for the aerospace, aviation, industrial, and military industries. With more than 10 million unique parts searchable by both part number and National Stock Number (NSN), we make it easy for our customers to find all the parts they need.

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As an AS9120B, ISO 9001:2015, and FAA AC 0056B accredited member of the Aviation Suppliers Association (ASA), we’ve proudly served clients in the aviation and defense industries around the world. With same-day shipping facilities. The National Stock Number, or NATO Stock Number (NSN), is a 13-digit serial number used by the United States Department of Defense and all members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) to organize items that are procured, stocked, and issued through the federal supply system. To know more about Part number NAS1281C3T6P under NSN 5306016049250, please call us at our toll-free number, +17147054780, or email us at

NSN Information for Part Number NAS1281C3T6P with NSN 5306-01-604-9250, 5306016049250


Item Description:

Bolt Machine


Characteristics Data of NSN 5306-01-604-9250, 5306016049250


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